This activation opportunity came about for me as my daughter was running in the Eastern Metropolitan Regional relay competition at Mt Evelyn all day on 1/12. The draw turned out that she was running early in the morning and late in the afternoon with about 4 hours between races. I calculated that there would be ample time for a 50km drive to Warburton and the the top of Mt Donna Buang, a bite of lunch at Warburton and a quick activation. The weather was fine and sunny and a great day for a walk in the fresh air at the top of a mountain.
I drove right up to the mountain top and then took my daughter for a walk to the bottom of the lower toboggan slopes with my backpack, ostensibly to check them out, but really to ensure I got out of the activation zone and back in un-motorized!
We climbed the observation tower (or rather she insisted we race to the top – she was in running gear!) and I considered operating from the top, but there was a stiff breeze and it would have got rather cold.
Hence I retreated to a convenient log on the edge of the cleared area. I managed to self spot with Rucksack Radio Tool and soon had half a dozen contacts on 146.5MHz FM with a clear line of sight to both Melbourne and the La Trobe Valley.

View from the top of the observation tower- operating position at the log on the top right of this photo
For this activation I used my Wouxun KG-UVD1P HT and a Slim JIM antenna fed with RG316 on a 4.6m ultra light squid pole. The setup worked well and is very light to carry.
With the activation complete, we hot footed it back to Mt Evelyn in time for the next relay race! A good way to kill a few hours.